Mooloolah Dental

Can you help me with my short-looking teeth?

If your teeth look small, worn or short, our dentists will evaluate your bite to determine if you have bruxism, or a teeth grinding, habit. Common signs of bruxism include worn or chipped teeth and bite marks along the inside of the cheeks.

To protect teeth, we create custom nightguards to wear during sleep. A nightguard, or bruxism splint, can protect teeth from cracks and wear.

If you want to restore your short-looking teeth, dental veneers on front teeth will add length and cover any damage caused by excessive wear. Crowns on posterior (back) teeth rebuild the bite and reduce sensitivity when chewing. To protect dentistry, we recommend the use of a nightguard every night, as teeth grinding can damage dental crowns and veneers similar to the natural teeth.

Teeth may also look short due to excessive gum tissue, or a gummy smile. Crown lengthening and gingival sculpting reshape the gum tissue, exposing more of the tooth structure. Gingival sculpting improves the smile in conjunction with veneers or on its own.

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry, contact our Mooloolah dental surgery to book a consultation with one of our Mooloolah dentists, and we will be happy to discuss your options.

Disclaimer: The information throughout this site is not intended to be taken as medical advice.