Mooloolah Dental

Financial Info

This page will show Financial and Insurance Info.

Frequently Asked Questions

Due to the complexity and variation of dental treatments, over-the-phone estimates are difficult and sometimes impossible. It is important to us that you understand the details of the services that you require so you can make the decisions that work best for you. As part of our process, we will provide a written estimate of treatment costs, as well as different options for treatment at varying price levels.

Our experienced team are extremely supportive and know how to ensure that you feel comfortable, no matter what experience you have had in the past. We listen to and address all of your concerns, and will take the time to ensure you feel safe. Our team feels great pride and satisfaction in making Mooloolah Dental a safe and comfortable dental home for you.

Yes, there will generally be a gap after you claim on your health fund. This is because Mooloolah Dental is not contracted as a ‘preferred provider’ for any health fund. We believe that this status is important. Being a preferred provider for a dental fund is not an indicator of the quality of care that a dentist provides, but rather that the dentist has entered a financial, contractual arrangement with the dental fund regarding fees and rebates. Being independent gives us the freedom to make dental decisions based on the well-being of our patients and what they need, rather than having to include the interests of a health insurance company. This allows us to provide optimum patient care.

Disclaimer: The information throughout this site is not intended to be taken as medical advice.